Getting the hang of resort living

Well of course all that swimming and relaxing makes one a bit thirsty. No trouble one of the staff is always circulating with a drinks list, just tell him what you want and it’s delivered right to your chair. We have been indulging in some terrific fresh fruit drink. I’m just having strawberry syrup with fresh coconut milk. I can’t remember what Vicki had I just know they were both scrumptious.

At three o’clock there is happy hour around the pool. Free drinks and finger food. So we have been knocking back vodka and orange with plates of fresh fruit and spring rolls. We haven’t found any need to have lunch. So much for loosing weight. What I did loose in Myanmar will soon be back on.

There is not much English spoken by the guests here. They mainly seem to be German but I have also heard some French and Russian spoken. English speakers are a very small minority, probably only us!

There is a bit of rain in the afternoon but as it mainly occurs after the three o’clock happy hour no one seems to mind very much. Anyway the rain is not cold, rather pleasant in fact.
